The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis contains more than 3,000 separate articles, written by more than 200 scholars from twenty-four countries and more than one hundred academic institutions! This massive 5-volume Old Testament reference work contains articles on the theology of each individual Old Testament book, as well as discussions of biblical concepts, people, places, events, and literary pieces. Volume five contains a series of indexes: a Hebrew index, subject index, and an index of semantic fields. Taken as a whole, the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis is an unparalleled accomplishment in the field of biblical hermeneutics.
The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis is intended for serious Old Testament and exegetical study by men and women of all walks of life—both academics and pastors, students and laypersons. Volume one contains a guide to Old Testament theology and exegesis in which ten essays have been compiled to thoroughly explain proper hermeneutics and interpretation, as well as guidelines for using this source material. Volumes one through four contain a lexicon of the Old Testament. All words found in the text are ordered by Hebrew alphabetization for easy reference, and coupled with a Goodrich/Kohlenberger cross-referencing number to be used in conjunction with Strong’s numbering system. The relationship of each word in different contexts and languages is also explained, including alternative words, and the particulars of their semantic domain. All this information is, of course, complete with bibliography.
With this collection and the powerful tools of your digital library, you can perform searches faster than ever, accomplish complex research projects without flipping pages, and discover the significance and meaning of Old Testament theological concepts like never before! What’s more, references to Old Testament passages are linked to your Hebrew texts and English translations, giving you instant access to the texts discussed in each entry of the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis. The Logos edition of the New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis provides a unique and accessible source of information, invaluable to ministers, teachers, and anyone interested in both the study and teaching of the Bible.
Main Features :
- Guide to Old Testament theology and exegesis
- Lexical dictionary
- Topical dictionary
- Hebrew index
- Index of semantic fields